When a child is born, so is a mother.

""Little one, I birthed you - but I didn't know you would also birth me. You birthed a love that sets every fiber of my being ablaze. You birthed a connection so real I can feel your sorrow deep inside my bones. You birthed a selflessness I didn't think I could ever obtain. You birthed a fierce, feminine force that anchors her family. You birthed a lioness who gladly bares her teeth at the first sight of a threat. You birthed a purpose so clear and so strong it knocks the air out of my lungs. You birthed the mother in me. Thank you, little one, for giving me life, too."

After I gave birth to my own children my desire to document other birth stories in their raw, vulnerable, intense, and breathtaking moments has grown deeper each year as my babies grow bigger.

I remember my water breaking, the tightening of my belly as I took slow, deep breaths and let my body take me through the powerful surges that would bring my babies into my arms. I remember how the world seemed to slip away during every contraction, and how I would opened my eyes to the world again. Hearing my babies let out their first cry while my own breath ran out, in awe as I laid my tear-filled eyes upon them; my cheeks forever stained with joy. Holding their tiny body for the first time after feeling kicks, rolls, and hiccups in my womb.

There is truly nothing on this side of Heaven that can compare to that first time holding them and the marathon we run bringing them into our arms My memory of these moments fades as they grow, but each blurry, grainy photo I have of their first breath brings me right back.

Every mama deserves these moments documented.

Birth photography begins at $1400.

I truly want every parent, no matter their unique financial situation to be able to invest in timeless images documenting their baby's birth. I offer payment plans that work for your family's unique financial situation.

For more information on payment plans please fill out a form below. 

Address of birth location, please.


Do you offer packages that include both birth and newborn photos?

Yes! I offer a birth and newborn package which includes birth and newborn photos done within the first two weeks of your baby's life, either in-home or somewhere quite outdoors.
I also offer a birth and milestone package which includes birth, newborn, 6 month, 12 month photos.
You can mention your interest in these different packages when you fill out a form above so I can get you detailed information on investment cost.

What all does birth investment cover?

A basic photography package covers my time on-call, being at your place of birth during labor and delivery, and up to three hours postpartum.

How long will you stay after birth?

I commit to staying up to three hours postpartum. I'll be there to capture all those sweet moments that happen soon after your baby is born! Dad and siblings holding the new baby, cutting the umbilical cord, first latch, placenta, height and weight measurements.

How soon is the birth payment due?

I require the full amount by 36 weeks of pregnancy, but I offer payment plans so this is not all due at once. Contact me and we can discuss a payment plan that works for you.

How and when will I receive my birth photos?

You will receive all the images in an online gallery within four weeks of your baby's birth, but I will send a 10-15 photo preview within 24 hours in the case you want to use the photos as a birth announcement.

I don't want any graphic photos. Is that ok?

Of course! You'll have a chance to share your photo preferences with me prior to delivery. Though graphic, these photos do mirror the beauty and rawness of birth. However your desires will always be respected by me.